Note: Vistors are restricted to approved visitation areas. Visitors are not to wander around the building or be in any areas where there are other residents or staff present. This includes the dining room.
Vaccinated Resident and Unvaccinated Visitor Guidance
Unvaccinated Resident and Vaccinated or Unvaccinated Visitor Guidance
All new admissions and re-admissions to a nursing home or assisted living are required to be quarantined for 14 days upon admission to a facility if not fully vaccinated against COVID-19. (This is defined as 14 days post second dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, or 14 days past single dose Johnson and Johnson vaccine.)
In order to be in the facility visiting someone who is under the 14 day quarantine, it is required that you call ahead and have visit approved by Administrator (Colleen Costello) as all in person visits within this 14 days are considered compassionate care visits and are not to be routine. There must be a compelling reason for us to permit this type of visit such as decline in condition, difficulty adjusting, changes in eating or drinking, emotional distress, etc.
If you are approved for a compassionate care visit, you will schedule that visit with Colleen, be required to be screened upon entry to the facility which includes temperature and answering some questions. Regardless of your vaccination status, you are required to wear a face mask, shield, gown and gloves during your visit.
We encourage everyone to be vaccinated. If you do get vaccinated, please provide receptionist with a copy of your card.
We appreciate your cooperation in advance, and although this is not ideal, this is the best way to protect all of our residents, staff and family members.
Colleen can be reached at 440-934-3808 or email ccostello@avonoaks.net
If the resident is fully vaccinated and the visitor is not vaccinated at all or not fully vaccinated (This is defined as 14 days post second dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, or 14 days past single dose Johnson and Johnson vaccine) the resident may have an outdoor (preferred) or indoor visit in a designated space where no other residents or staff are present. This may be in a conference room or a private resident room. If the resident has a roommate the visit may not occur in the room unless the roommate is willing and able to leave the room regardless of vaccination status. The unvaccinated visitor and the resident must wear well fitting 3 ply surgical type masks over mouth and nose for duration of the visit and the visitor must maintain at least 6 feet distance.
The visit must be scheduled in advance with Activity department for 100, 200, 400 or Porter units or scheduled with Social Services for residents in 300 unit.
When you arrive for your visit you will be required to be screened upon entry to the facility which includes temperature and answering some questions. Regardless of your vaccination status, you are required to wear a face mask while walking to where you are going to visit and to avoid contact with other residents and staff as much as able.
You are not to wander around the building or be in any areas where there are other residents or staff ie., dining room.
We encourage everyone to be vaccinated. If you do get vaccinated, please provide receptionist with a copy of your card.
We appreciate your cooperation in advance, and although this is not ideal, this is the best way to protect all of our residents, staff and family members.
Colleen can be reached at 440-934-3808 or email ccostello@avonoaks.net
If the resident is not vaccinated or not fully vaccinated (This is defined as 14 days post second dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, or 14 days past single dose Johnson and Johnson vaccine) the resident is permitted to have outdoor (preferred) or indoor visits after the initial 14 day quarantine period as a new admission.
The visit must be scheduled in advance with Activity department for 100, 200, 400 or Porter units or scheduled with Social Services for residents in 300 unit.
Whether the visitor is vaccinated or not, the visitor and resident must wear a well fitting 3 ply surgical type mask over mouth and nose for the entirety of the visit and maintain at least 6 feet of social distance.
There is to be no eating or drinking during the visit as the masks would have to be removed.
When you arrive for your visit you will be required to be screened upon entry to the facility which includes temperature and answering some questions. Regardless of your vaccination status, you are required to wear a face mask while walking to where you are going to visit and to avoid contact with other residents and staff as much as able.
You are not to wander around the building or be in any areas where there are other residents or staff ie., dining room.
We encourage everyone to be vaccinated. If you do get vaccinated, please provide receptionist with a copy of your card.
We appreciate your cooperation in advance, and although this is not ideal, this is the best way to protect all of our residents, staff and family members.
Colleen can be reached at 440-934-3808 or email ccostello@avonoaks.net
If the resident is fully vaccinated and the visitor is fully vaccinated (This is defined as 14 days post second dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, or 14 days past single dose Johnson and Johnson vaccine) if the visitor provides a copy of their card the visitor may visit with the resident outside (preferred) or in a room where there are no other residents or staff. This may be a conference room or a private resident room. If the resident has a roommate the visit may not occur in the room unless the roommate is willing and able to leave the room regardless of vaccination status. A visit between a fully vaccinated resident and fully vaccinated visitor may be unmasked and close contact if desired.
The visit must be scheduled in advance with Activity department for 100, 200, 400 or Porter units or scheduled with Social Services for residents in 300 unit.
When you arrive for your visit you will be required to be screened upon entry to the facility which includes temperature and answering some questions. Regardless of your vaccination status, you are required to wear a face mask while walking to where you are going to visit and to avoid contact with other residents and staff as much as able.
You are not to wander around the building or be in any areas where there are other residents or staff ie., dining room.
We encourage everyone to be vaccinated. If you do get vaccinated, please provide receptionist with a copy of your card.
We appreciate your cooperation in advance, and although this is not ideal, this is the best way to protect all of our residents, staff and family members.
Colleen can be reached at 440-934-3808 or email ccostello@avonoaks.net