Current Facility Reporting
Positive Cases at Avon Oaks Nursing Home and Assisted Living (Including Porter Assisted Living and The Gardens Assisted Living)
Current: 0
Staff: Includes staff in Avon Oaks Nursing Home and Assisted Living
Current: 0
Contractors: See below for who is included in Contractors
Current Outbreak: 0
The Federal Government now requires skilled nursing facilities to test or verify testing from any contractor providing services to the facility or residents on the same testing frequency that the facility is required to test staff. These include but are not limited to: transportation services, physicians, nurse practitioners, hospice care providers, plumbers, electricians (if they will be having any contact with residents), etc. If any of these individuals test positive, facilities are required to report them as a facility positive. Under this guidance, facilities are required to initiate Outbreak Testing (immediate testing of all staff and residents) regardless of potential exposures, use of PPE or contact tracing.
Respiratory Illness: 3 or > residents or staff members with new onset of respiratory illness in last 72 hours: No
We follow CMS regulations and CDC guidance in regard to testing.
Our long term care pharmacy is able to vaccinate our new residents and staff and our staff who have changed their minds. Family members who wish to be vaccinated can contact Colleen Costello at ccostello@avonoaks.net or 440-934-3808 for assistance.
Fully vaccinated residents may visit with fully vaccinated visitors outside or in a room without masks as long as there are no staff or other residents in the room. (See more under visitation policies)
Indoor visits are approved at this time. Every visitor must be screened for temperature AND completing questionairre at the main entrance every time they enter. This is a federal requirement. We require masks be worn throughout the visit and while in the facility. We can also test a visitor if requested. We no longer require scheduling visits but we encourage you to schedule a visit if your loved one has a roommate and if you have more than 1-2 people coming to ensure roommate is able to be moved if needed or to plan for your visit in a different area and to ensure we have enough space to physically distance and follow infection control guidelines.
Quarantined residents: these could be residents who are new or re-admissions who are not vaccinated, not up to date with recommended vaccines/boosters or if a resident has symptoms or covid positive: Visits are discouraged but if this is a situation we need to have visits we will make arrangements for visits and let you know what personal protective equipment you need to wear and the risks involved.
Lorain County is now a Red county with High transmission rate. Here is the link to where nursing homes must refer CDC Integrated County View. We are required to consider county positivity in our decisions regarding quarantining if a resident goes out.
Resident outings with family or friends will be evaluated to determine potential need to quarantine on return based on risk encountered. There is a form to fill out by nursing or receptionist.
Window visits and virtual visits are always an option as well. Call Activities or Social Services if you need assistance.
Updates will be texted to family member on our robo text service and on this website.
Thank you for your understanding. Call Colleen at 440-934-3808 if questions. Voicemails are checked daily. If you have an urgent issue please call 934-5204 and have Colleen or Nurse on call return your call.
What can I do to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 to my loved one and other residents while visiting?
Please also see CDC http://CDC.gov and Ohio Department of Health https://coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/home for more information.
The staff of Avon Oaks will be requiring that you wear a face mask or face covering, sanitize your hands prior to entering the visitation area and at the end of your visit, try not to touch your face. Refrain from touching your family member or friend while visiting. If you or your loved one feel sick prior to visiting, understand the importance of rescheduling your visitation time. If you travel or are around groups of people or have known exposure ask your county health department or physician for guidance.
COVID-19, or coronavirus disease 2019, is a respiratory disease. Symptoms, which generally appear two to 14 days after exposure, may include fever, cough or shortness of breath/difficulty breathing, loss of sense of smell or taste, body aches. These symptoms range from mild to severe; however, some people with COVID-19 have no symptoms which is why it so important to wear a mask while visitation is taking place. It’s important to fully respond to all the screening questions you are asked in terms of symptoms or contact with individuals either with active COVID-19 or who have been exposed to COVID-19.
COVID-19 is believed to spread mainly from person-to-person, between people who are in close contact (within about 6 feet) with one another and through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. It also may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or eyes.
Older adults may show very different signs and symptoms, such as lethargy, disorientation and general fatigue. Older adults, people with chronic health conditions, and people with compromised immune systems are more likely to become more severely ill which is why all recommendations need to be followed during visitation with your loved one.
This time has been difficult for everyone involved. You, as Family members/Friends, have done an amazing job helping our community keep your loved one safe. We understand and appreciate your role in this as well.
We look forward to the beginning stage of this reopening for both you and your loved one. We are here to assist in any way possible during this transition and appreciate your efforts to continue to keep your loved one safe and healthy.
Thank you for being supportive, patient and for following our protocols so we are able to continue to visit safely.
1-800-720-9616 is a toll-free emotional support call service created by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services and administered in community settings. Behavioral health professionals staff the CareLine 24 hours a day, 7 days/week. They offer confidential support in times of personal or family crisis when individuals may be struggling to cope with challenges in their lives. When callers need additional services, they will receive assistance and connection to local providers.